(82) 98752-4079

C. J. Pedrosa

An organization oriented towards
business revitalization
What differentiates a consultancy is not the battalion that may invade your company; it is the skills and experience of the professional that will help you solve your problems and your needs.
Consulting is this!
We have completely redesigned our website to better interact with our visitors. Be very welcome. It is a pleasure to receive you.
We are a small organization – a Soho (Small Office / Home Office ) – providing accounting, financial and organizational advice and consulting and seeking to help our clients to implement efficient management.
It is with pleasure that we introduce ourselves to our visitors – our future and permanent customers. We want to improve and streamline communication with our visitors. On the following pages you will find a full-length portrait of who we are and what we do.
In the modern business world, knowledge is the most important instrument of exchange and the most valuable currency, adding value to the services provided to customers. The knowledge, consolidated in different business lines, and the experience accumulated in more than 40 years of professional activity, make up the differential that enables us to provide our customers with the most appropriate solutions for their size and business.
We appreciate your visit, which will be very fruitful. Feel free and browse our pages to get to know us better. This way you will get to know our experience and get a detailed view of our universe and what we can do for you, your company and your employees.
Here you will find the most suitable solutions in business management: solutions that will help you redirect and manage your company well. Come in, the house is yours!
Carlos José Pedrosa – Accountant and Consultant
Area of knowledge, study, research and consultancy: Accounting, Finance and Organization
Banco da Lavoura de Minas Gerais, S.A,, then Santander SA, Maceió, AL - Management Advisory; Assistant and Sub-Accountant Substitute.
Cia. Brasileira de Alimentos - COBAL , today CONAB , Ministry of Agriculture, Maceió, AL - Sub-Accountant.
Jornal de Alagoas SA , (Daily Associated), Maceió, AL - Accountant.
Cia. Siderúrgica de Alagoas - COMESA (Gerdau Group), Atalaia, AL - Sub-Accountant.
Fives Lille Industrial do Nordeste S.A. - FLINOR – (Armando Monteiro Group), Maceió, AL - Accounting Officer and Cost Manager.
Hidromecânica de Vettori SA – HIMECA -, Recife, PE - Supervisor of the Cost and Budget Division.
Pernambuco Milk Industrialization Company – CILPE - (State Government), Recife, PE - Technical Advisor to the Board of Directors.
Goytacaz Foundry Ltd. , Abreu e Lima, PE (Construction of a new plant in Pernambuco) - Financial-Administrative Manager.
Secretyary of Culture of the State of Alagoas – SECULT - Maceió, AL - Director of the Administration Department.
GEAP - Social Security Foundation , Maceió, AL - Budget and Finance Technician.
Municipal Foundation for Cultural Action - FMAC , Maceió, AL - Coordinator of Administration and Planning.
Accounting Training
Improvement in Consulting through joint program CFC/CRC-AL/Sebrae Nacional/Sebrae AL.
Livestock Company Management Course , through IEPEC – Institute of Livestock Studies, from Maringá, PR.
Experience in Accounting, Administration and Finance - Charts of accounts and cost systems; Planning, execution and control of monthly and annual cash flow; Implementation of the annual budget; Analysis of the company's performance over the last six or twelve fiscal years, with calculation of indicators; Analysis and projection of annual results, projecting three scenarios: optimistic, conservative and pessimistic; Detailed analysis of positions and salaries, with the calculation of the score and calculation of the salary level; Organizational diagnosis.
Carlos José Pedrosa's trajectory demonstrates a substantial body of knowledge, consolidated either by continuous studies and research in the area, or by the differentiated professional experience accumulated in his more than 40 years of effective work.
Technical competence, strategies in the search for problem solving, overcoming challenges, professional ethics and aesthetics, respect for people and work, resulted in proven successes, giving it credibility and notability.
Reputable professional life, attested by the bodies where he has already provided services;
Experience in the private sector and in the public sector.
Accounting Training;
Long experience in general accounting, finance and cost systems;
Honored, on the Accountant's Day, with a plaque conferred by the CRC - AL, through the then President Carlos Henrique do Nascimento, in recognition of the relevant services rendered to accounting and the entire Society of Alagoas.
Carlos José Pedrosa is from Biguaçu, Santa Catarina, living in Maceió, Alagoas.
Author of several technical articles on accounting and administration published on Portal Consultores and other sites.
The dissemination of knowledge is a way to contribute to the success of companies and the accounting community in the country! We have a track record that updates itself prominently. The collection described above is a tangible sample of our know-how. Get to know this know-how and compare it with the reality of your business. This is certainly what your company needs.
in memory
More than a Mentor:
Dino Carlos Mocsányi
We opened this space to pay a deserved tribute to our master and friend DINO CARLOS MOCSÁNYI , who was a renowned and important business consultant in São Paulo. He even held high positions in large national and multinational companies.
He has worked alternately, since 1983, as an executive in large multinationals such as Siemens, Mangels, Lince, GR; in 1986 he moved to Coopers & Librand, with professional activities in Mexico, the United States and England; in 1992, Vice President of Philip Crosby & Associates. He was President of INMETRO, Vice-President for Latin America at Philip Crosby, Partner-Director of Coopers & Librand Consultores, in addition to being founder and Director of his own consultancy: Mocsányi Consultores Associados and Senior Management Executive at Siemens, Mangels , Lynx and GR (Accor/Compass).
His death, on 05/22/2017, left a gap that
it will never be filled. DINO CARLOS MOCSÁNYI was our Mentor and
always guided and encouraged us through the difficult paths of consulting.
We owe him a lot for and we are here.
To our friend DINO CARLOS MOCSÁNYI , our gratitude.
Visit our pages and our Blog
Check out the articles on business management that we make available on our Blog. C onheça which provide in business valuation, asset management, agribusiness management and more. Put your business ahead of the competition. Always count on our advice.
Valuate your company
In Why / Valuation and other impacts , find out how we will do the valuation of your business. Be it a small, medium or large company, or even a large corporation, feel free. Keep in touch with us. Keep being our partner.
Our products are
solutions in business management.

Business Revitalization
Save your company from the crisis now!
The path to your company's recovery is open. And how will we do this? The beginning of everything will be a diagnosis, which will demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities that surround the day-to-day of the business.
The first step will be to understand the organization and assess each area. There are support tools that help make this work.
DIAGNOSIS - The diagnosis will always be the first step in any consultancy. It's no use thinking about proposing changes without understanding the context you are dealing with. Each business has its characteristics, and most of the time, it is at different times, with different needs. The result of a diagnosis can vary, but it necessarily needs to show the company's level of maturity and which areas need more attention.
SWOT ANALYSIS - The SWOT analysis will make an assessment of internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats), in addition to crossing these elements. SWOT analysis will play a key role in guiding and understanding the next steps. The objective will be to make sure that we leave the first step well aligned in relation to what bothers the company's day-to-day management the most.
KEEP THE FOCUS - With the results of the diagnosis and the SWOT Analysis, we will have enough information to know exactly where to start the consultancy. Typically, the areas that most need attention are Finance, Human Resources, Sales and Strategy. But generally they may not be the only ones.
WHAT TO DO - In each area, the consultancy will act differently. See below.
Financial – Typically, 8 out of 10 entrepreneurs seeking a business consultancy have financial problems. The finance area is the most important for companies that are unstructured or that are losing money. Among the reasons are the lack of cash flow control, little control over working capital (accounts payable and receivable) or even for not having important specific reports. The best solution to have all these answers will be the implementation of a complete financial control, since it makes it simple to analyze cost centers, banks, customers, suppliers and others.
Equally important will be the calculation of the break-even point: the second most important tool for good management in the financial area. It is with it that the manager will be able to say, in an objective way, how many products or services need to be sold in order not to make a loss.
Sales – The sales area is responsible for most of the demand for consultancy for companies that have positive results, but want to improve their financial results. With an efficient sales control, it will be possible to understand, month by month, the actual value sold, the target that had been established and if the result is being reached or not. These data will tell if the problem is in attracting new customers, in a possible seasonality from one month to another, or even in the success rate of negotiations.
Human Resources - If the company's biggest problem is in the human resources area, some care will be needed to identify exactly what to propose. The following data will need to be analyzed:
Organizational weather research
Number of monthly dismissals and admissions
Performance evaluation (preferably by competences)
Organizational structure (org chart)
Plan for jobs and wages
This data must be consolidated and analyzed. For example, if the turn over rate is too high, it could be that labor costs are also high and the focus of the consultancy could be that. On the other hand, there may be complaints related to overtime, or lack of focus on training in an organizational climate survey, and even a serious indicator of poor performance due to failures in managing the assessment of this aspect.
Strategy - The last main area, which usually requires the expertise of a consultant, is business strategy. This is because, even having a well-organized structure, sometimes it lacks the focus on results, objectives and the most important goals. In these cases, the path may be to carry out strategic planning, or the adoption of strategic management, which will make it possible to create strategies and allocate resources to those that are the most important, following up on the planned goals and the results achieved for each one of them.
PRIORITIZATION - Regardless of the area chosen and the strategies outlined, there will be a series of possibilities for what to do. It is at these times that a prioritization work will be carried out, with the GUT matrix (severity, urgency and trend. This way, it will be possible to see a ranking of what needs to be done first, according to the established criteria.
CONSULTING PROJECT - After diagnosing all the problems and understanding how to help in each area and prioritizing, it's time to set up a schedule of what will be done in the company.
PDCA CYCLE - The PDCA cycle is a tool for continuous process improvement. It will ensure that the company continues to evolve, even after the execution of the consulting project.
A positive change will contribute to better results. Adjustments to the cost allocation system, added to operational improvements, will have a profound impact on the Income Statement for the year. The company's growth is unlikely to be overshadowed by market declines. It is encouraging to note that companies can experience substantial improvements in results if they know how to reorganize and structure themselves in this direction. The Income Statement for the Year, compared to the plan and to previous years, will be an indication of how the company will be successfully applying the corrective measures.
We remain attentive and faithful to our own style of consulting services aimed at business revitalization. We will remain committed to the dissemination and application of our accounting, financial and organizational expertise and consequent influence to promote revitalization and stabilize companies. These are not pre-conceived solutions: they are high-impact customized solutions, based on the reality of the companies. Performance analysis, diagnosis, strategic management, operations planning, among others, are solutions that will have a high impact on the revitalization, stability, recovery and longevity of organizations.
Keep in touch with us and we can establish a mutually beneficial cooperation. That's what we hope; that's what we set out to do.
Save your company from the crisis now! Make your company yours again!
You are already our partner: let's work together!
Your company's future is here!
Rua Ariosvaldo Pereira Cintra, 758
Bloco 6/103 - Serraria
Maceió, AL 57046-295
+55 (82) 9,8752.4079
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